Monday 12 May 2014


Kayleigh outfit kayleigh outfit 2 kayleigh bomber jacket Kayleigh sunglasses Kayleigh nails kayeigh skirt

Jacket - Primark
Shirt - New Look (I think)
Skirt - H&M
Boots- H&M
Sunglasses - Primark

As you can see, when we took these photographs it was so windy. So excuse the hair situation! Also excuse the giant image of my face. They made me do it. Anyway, this jacket is basically the same as Molly's from a few posts ago except in orange. When we bought them I hadn't really thought about what I was going to wear with it, so obviously I went for a standard black outfit. Classic go to for me. 

I feel I should also add the link to this Next Newcomer Blog Award for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards 2014, because I'm shameless like that... Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase (if you would like) vote here!

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