Sunday 13 July 2014


Two Piece - Topshop
Sandals - Out from Under via Urban Outfitters
Bag - New Look

Hello everyone!! On behalf of myself and the girls, we are very sorry for the lack of posts! Ever since this year of University has finished we have all been MEGA busy. I've been working full time, Kayleigh has been on an insane America road trip and Molly has just been well, urm, Molly. 
However, this week I got to go on a lovely holiday to Madrid with my mum, allowing for some outfit photo opportunities. 
This was what I wore for our first full day in Madrid. I had to make sure I was comfortable as on this day we went to El Rastro which is a HUGE market in the center of Madrid which meant lots of walking.
If any of you are lusting over this Topshop two piece definitely purchase it as its amazing! easy to wear, comfortable and unusual. 
I have a few more outfit photos from my holiday so they will be up shortly, but don't forget Molly and Kayleigh! I'm sure they will have some outfit posts up soon.. (hint hint gals ;) )

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