Monday 28 July 2014


Hellooooooo, or as they say in America... helloooooo.

I have recently come back from an amazing trip to America and seeing as I have been a terrible fashion blogger/student and spent nearly everyday since in my pyjamas, (holiday blues in full swing) I thought I would share a few classic tourist snaps with the internet.

I'll begin by telling you not to panic/glaze over, as this will not be a long in depth description of each day, because apparently "this is boring Kayleigh", "shut up about America Kayleigh", "nobody cares anymore Kayleigh" is a common opinion amongst people who know me. And also people who don't. 

So basically myself and three of my non-fashion student home friends went to America on a bit of a road trip type of holiday. We started off in New York City, then train-ed (that's a word) it to Washington, DC. Flew to Las Vegas from there, and then drove to LA and on to San Francisco.

There are many stories that I could ramble on about and bore you with, but all I have to say really about the holiday is if you ever have the chance yourself, DO IT! We booked everything individually ourselves (and when I say we, I mean my best bud, mother of the group and top organiser Sophie) but I also know there are some good package deals out there too. You've just got to know where to look. We used websites such as, their "collect ten nights, get one free" policy came in handy more than once! And also is another good place to look.

So if you have the right company and enough money saved/borrowed (the bank of Muth and Farth), then the country will not disappoint!

Even if you do end up driving for EIGHTEEN HOURS from Vegas to San Francisco, the day after a DJ set by Calvin Harris in the Hakkisan (he is so worth it), because "it's definitely a good idea to go back to Vegas for a second time", "we're not making a drunken mistake are we? Nooooo".

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  1. Gorgeous pictures!
    I so want to visit the USA.

    1. Thank you so much!
      It really was amazing, you should definitely do it if you get the chance! :)
